Cheri Moran
I believe in maximizing ability.
In a nut shell, I believe in working with each body's ability, never forcing or coercing a specific outcome.
Our bodies are all assembled differently and some have structural limitations that must be acknowledged and accepted.
I am a self proclaimed anatomy geek, so I went on to get my massage therapy license.
Until Covid I worked a lot with people with cancer and other systemic illnesses. I am hoping through this website that I can continue to do the work that is on my heart.
Yoga Teacher Training:
Yoga Institute of Houston
Lex Gillan - July 2009
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy
Level 1 – October 2009
Yoga Therapy for Older Adults:
Health Link Rx – August 2010
Mind-Body Interventions for Pain Management in Acute & Inpatient Rehabilitation:
Health Link Rx – August 2010
Yoga of Awareness for Cancer:
Duke Medicine – April 2012